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Biennial Meeting

The Biennial Meeting was held on June 10, 2023 in person at the Madonna Inn and concurrently on Zoom. At this business meeting, the members approved a budget for 2023-2025, adopted our Program for the next two years, and elected new officers and directors. The speaker at the event was California Assembly member Dawn Addis who presented an update on legislative priorities for 2023. The program concluded with proclamations for the Community Foundation, the presentation of the Sara Horne Award for Voter Service to Ed Cabrera and a review of accomplishments during the last year.

Click here to see the 2023 Biennal Member Meeting Year In Review.

To see the adopted Program for 2023-2025, go to Issues, Studies, Positions.

Click here to see all the previous Sara Horne Award Winners.

Assemblymember Dawn Addis and

The Community Foundation CEO Heidi McPherson

Cindy Marie + Heidi

President Cindy Marie Absey and Heidi McPherson

Sara Horne winner Ed Cabrera and 

Voter Service Director Julie Rodewald

Ed + Alex

We are not all women in LWV


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403