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Volunteer Opportunities

We need you

Ways to Get Involved

Democracy is a team sport and we need you on our team! We have one-time, low commitment jobs and larger commitment, recurring positions all furthering the goal of Making Democracy Work.

Some of the ways you can contribute to the success of our endeavors is to join one of the committees (listed below), but you can also do one of these simple, on-going things:

Promote civility and civil discourse

Promote League activities and webinars to friends and associates

Answer the call from Action Alerts

Reach out to potential members


Voter Service

The League of Women Voters is dedicated to improving voter turnout and voter education. Our Voter Service Committee is one of the most important ways we accomplish this. Information about the Voter Service Committee can be found here.

Below are a few of the ways you can support Voter Service in this endeavor.

Voter Registration

We have  voter registration opportunities all year round.  We register voters at public events, libraries and at local high schools. This is an activity that reflects the League's core commitment to enable all qualified voters to take part in our democracy.

To volunteer, click here.

Candidates Forums

This committee partners with other community groups to conduct candidates forums, giving voters an opportunity to hear from and ask questions of candidates for public office. In this capacity members serve as runners, sorters, timers and moderators (for which we provide training).

To learn about volunteer opportunities, email the Candidates Forums chairperson here.


This committee is active prior to every election. Members gather candidates’ information and collate it on the Vote411 website. They also identify opportunities to publicize this important resource. Find out more about Vote411

To learn more about volunteer opportunities, email the Voter Information chairperson here.


For each election, the League provides inspectors and staff for polling places. This is an essential service to the voters of San Luis Obispo County. This satisfying volunteering opportunity can involve as little as half a day and only during elections.

Reach out to our Adopt-a-Poll Chair here to learn more. 
Pros and Cons

This committee is responsible for researching the history and effects of ballot propositions, organizing the information and sharing it with the public. You work as a team, so you can take part in all aspects of this analysis and sharing or only those you feel comfortable performing.

For a video introduction to this committee, click here.

To volunteer, click here.

Education and Advocacy

The League of Women Voters also empowers voters and defends democracy through its education and advocacy efforts. We do this in a myriad of ways, including letter writing, Lunch with the League, guest speakers, webinars, op-ed pieces, and the Voter, as well as by attending government meetings and making our voices heard. You can join one of these League committees and contribute to this important work.

Housing & Homelessness

The Social Policy Committee has a on-going focus on how to address housing and  homelessness in our County.  More information about this committee can be found here.

If you want to be a positive force in solving some of these problems, contact the committee chairperson at
Criminal Justice

The Social Policy Committee also studies and disseminates information to County residents on criminal justice. More information about this committee can be located here.

If you are interested in serving on this committee or just want more information, contact the committee chairperson at
Natural Resources

The Natural Resources Committee follows issues in our communities that affect the environment. If you have a passion for the environmental health of our County and are willing to spend some time following the progress of one or more projects, this committee could use you. For more information click here.

To be a part of this team, contact the committee chairperson at
Government Policy

The Government Policy Committee
monitors activities, issues, and positions related to local government and its operations.  Committee members observe local government bodies and evaluate how they are operating with regard to the League's Government Positions and Program priorities.  For more information about this committee click here.

If you are interested in volunteering for this committee, contact the committee chairs at

Civil Discourse


The Civil Discourse Committee works with public institutions and leaders of those institutions to foster respectful interactions in public meeting and hearings. You can find out more about this committee here.


If you want to be a part of the important work this committee does to promote civil behavior and discourse, contact the committee chairpersons at

Behind the Scenes

It takes many people working in unseen jobs to make our organization work. Whatever your interests or talents, we have a place for you.

You can be instrumental in helping our local League reach out, educate and engage voters.

Below are some specific volunteer opportunities.


Not only does the Communications Committee disseminate information to members, it also shares information with the wider community through the bi-monthly newsletter (The Voter), webinars, and letters to the editor. If you write, edit or research, you will find your place on this committee.

To volunteer or get more information, email
Member Services

The membership committee is responsible for recruiting and welcoming new members and keeping members engaged and hosting member social events. This requires people who are creative, organized and friendly.  The committee also tracks and maintains members' records, so tech-friendly members on this committee are needed to coordinate this online function. 

If you want more information or are interested in joining this committee contact
Event Coordination

Throughout the year, the League puts on events that require planning and oversight. Typically these are member meetings and social/networking events. While many of these events are initiated and planned by our executive board,  carrying out the event  takes a team of people.

If you are an attention-to-detail person, this committee needs you. For more information or to volunteer, click  here.

We need people who are technology-friendly to manage our online presence, set up and facilitate webinars, run Zoom meetings, and update the website (no programming skills needed). If you have an interest in or skills in any of these areas, we need you.

To volunteer or explore how you can be of service, contact us here.


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403