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HomeIssues, Studies, Positions

Issues, Studies & Positions




Program Planning Process


In the League, program planning is the process by which we decide where and how we will focus our resources over the next year.  The program planning process is part of what makes the League a grassroots organization.  All members have a voice in deciding what issues are worthy of our attention and action and where we want to focus our education and advocacy efforts for the next year.


We currently hold our program planning meeting in January of each odd-numbered year.  The program planning process leads directly to our Biennial Meeting in June where we set priorities from both a policy and a budgetary standpoint for the next two years.  League board members carefully consider the input from League members as they formulate the recommended Program.  The members then vote on whether or not to adopt the recommended Program at the Biennial Meeting.

In January of each even-numbered year, we meet to review the status of the previously adopted Program (what we have accomplished/what remains to be done),  and ask our members for their input on new and emerging issues.   We may also invite community leader(s) to speak on a particular program priority, e.g. housing & homelessness.

issues b

What Issues Can We Act On?


In any Program we adopt, the League can take action on an issue only when we have a position addressing it. If the members have not studied and come to consensus on it, the League has no position and therefore cannot include it as part of its Program and take action. Our local League can rely on positions taken at the local, state and national level.


In any Program we adopt, we may elect to retain all existing positions without change, update existing positions or work to adopt new positions by undertaking a new local study.

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Without a position, action cannot be taken on an issue.



How Do We Adopt or Update Positions?



All positions taken by the League are based on studies. If there is no position on an issue, or if a position is outdated, as part of Program planning, League members may propose a study on the issue and come to a consensus. After a study has been done, the League can adopt a position and take action. We can also adopt by consensus a position that has been studied and adopted by another local League or by the national or California Leagues. 


study group


After members have studied an issue and come to a consensus, the League can adopt a position and take action. This is the final step in the process, but it is also the beginning of our efforts in education and advocacy. 

Current Program Plan and Positions

Find out about our current Program Plan, and adopted positions for the League in San Luis Obispo County, California, and National here:


Program Plan and Positions


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403