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Social Policy Committee

The Social Policy Committee engages in education and advocacy related to social policy issues and is currently focused on Housing and homelessness. While also an important issue, the committee has set aside their work on criminal justice for the time being.

Co-Chairs: Kim Gravell and Glenn Silloway

Contact -

Meetings: The Housing and Homelessness committee meets the second Thursday of each month at 4:00 PM

Members have identified Housing & Homelessness and Criminal Justice as program priorities. At this time, the Housing & Homelessness Committee is active and meets monthly. The Criminal Justice topic is not organized yet in this way, but there are many members who are interested in it. If you would like to help set up a more active group, please contact

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Housing & Homelessness

The Housing & Homelessness Subcommittee educates and advocates for affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness.  Since 2020, the LWV SLOCO Program has included housing & homelessness as a priority focus.   See full Program Plan and our local Positions here


Why focus on Housing & Homelessness?


Affordable housing and homelessness are among the most intractable social issues of our time.  According to SLO County data in 2020, 38% of households spend one-third or more of their income on housing. Some of these households are just one unexpected bill away from homelessness. In fact, the number of people who are experiencing homelessness is reaching crisis proportions in some places, especially where the cost of permanent housing is exorbitant and essential living services are not available in sufficient quantities.


Organizations and individuals have struggled for years to respond effectively to these issues.  Markets and social dynamics are producing people who experience homelessness faster than we can support them. The Homeless Services Oversight Council (HSOC) estimates that the number of people experiencing homelessness in the County increases by about 200 per year.

The LWV SLOCO has long advocated for affordable housing.  Our League studied the need for affordable housing in 2002 and 2003, and published a Workforce Housing Study Report in 2004.  We then adopted our own position on Workforce Housing in 2004.  This position supports our continued advocacy and remains fully relevant today.

What You Can Do


Join the Housing & Homelessness Subcommittee to receive extra information about the issues and help shape the League’s activity.  Contact Kim Gravell or Glenn Silloway at  Here are some areas for involvement:

  • Attend the monthly zoom meeting (second Thursday, 4 pm) for the Housing & Homelessness Committee. Participate in conversations about what’s going on in the county and how we as a committee or a League can help.


  • Volunteer with one of the County's service providers and provide us with feedback on your experiences.


  • Monitor the meetings of a public agency, committee or subcommittee when they discuss housing and homelessness issues. Report on developments. This could include organizations like the Board of Supervisors, HSOC, or your City Council.
  • Write a short (200 words or less) piece for The Voter on an important action or development.
  • Keep track of articles and reports about Housing and Homelessness in the County and forward the reports to the committee.
  • Help organize and produce webinars to educate our members and the public on these issues.
  • Join a League of Women Voters California ( Google group to follow discussions and actions around the state and share your findings with the subcommittee.





Criminal Justice

The Criminal Justice Subcommittee educates and advocates on criminal justice issues. The LWV SLOCO Program for 2022-2023 includes Criminal Justice Reform as a continuing area for education and advocacy. See full Program Plan and our local Positions here


Why Criminal Justice?


The role of the criminal justice system is to prevent crime and promote public safety.  LWV SLOCO members have identified criminal justice as an important issue within the growing national consensus that the current system needs reform in order to better achieve these goals.

Effective criminal justice reforms consider the safety and well-being of both peace officers and the communities they serve. The Subcommittee begins with an effort to understand the current local system with respect to issues raised in the state and national debates, such as accountability, transparency and fairness.  With this grounding, it will develop analytical and educational materials and programs to inform members and the public about the status of the criminal justice system in SLO County.


What You Can Do


Contact Glenn Silloway at with questions or ideas for this committee.  Here are some areas for involvement:

  • Work with the current system to find ways to build relationships between local law enforcement and community members and organizations.
  • Sign up to receive Action Alerts from the California League of Women Voters on issues and take action on criminal justice issues 
  • Write a short (200 words or less) piece for The Voter on an important action or development.
  • Help organize and produce webinars to educate our members and the public on these issues.
  • Join a League of Women Voters California ( Google group to follow discussions and actions around the state about criminal justice and reforms. Share with the subcommittee.


  • See LWV SLOCO Program Planning and Positions on criminal justice here


Watch LWV SLOCO webinars on criminal justice issues here.
See information from LWV California here.


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403