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Oso Flaco

In December 2020,  the California State Parks issued the Pismo State Beach and Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) Public Works Plan that included changes to the Oso Flaco Lake area.  Committee members reviewed the State Parks’ Public Works Plan and associated draft Environmental Impact Report and the League submitted comments.  See League's comment letter here.  

A “Lunch with the League” was held on February 15, 2021, with panelists Ronnie Glick of State Parks and Kara Woodruff of Friends of Oso Flaco Lake presenting opposing viewpoints of the proposed development.   See webinar here.

The League also issued a  Call to Action to members and the Tribune published our letter to the editor regarding the Oceano Dunes SVRA Public Works Plan

The Coastal Commission considered the coastal permit required for the proposed changes on March 18, 2021.  See Coastal Commission hearing information here
The Coastal Commission did not address the Oso Flaco area at their March meeting because it was a new proposal and not part of the annual review of the existing permit.   

The Public Works Plan and associated EIR for the Oso Flaco area will be the subject of a future Coastal Commission hearing when the EIR process is completed. State Parks heard many comments from the Coastal Commission regarding concerns about disruption of environmentally sensitive habitat and this may impact State Parks' proposal for the Oso Flaco area.


The Natural Resources Committee will continue to monitor this project and report.


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403