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Date: 3/26/2024
Subject: The Voter: SCOTUS to Rule on Regulation of Homeless Encampments

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
The official newsletter of the League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County.

Vol 66 | Issue 3 | Date: March 26, 2024

       In this issue:



LWV SLOCO has been busy in the new year! We registered high school students to vote, staffed polls for the Primary Election, made public presentations, held a DEI workshop for our board, were interviewed on KCBX and were a sponsor of the Latina Empowerment Roundtable. And we have many more activities in the pipeline! 

We have a few tickets remaining for the League fundraiser at SLO REP this Thursday, March 28: a preview performance of "What the Constitution Means to Me". Don't miss out - get your tickets today! Whether or not you're able to attend the play, this New Yorker article about the history and meaning of the Constitution is an interesting read. You'll find it here

Our first Cocktail Hour was a resounding success. The next one will be on March 27 at 5 p.m. so mark that on your calendars and join the conversation. Also coming up, the Civil Discourse Committee has scheduled a forum titled "How to Effectively Communicate Your Ideas and be Heard at Public Meetings" to be held on May 21 at 6:30 p.m. in-person at the Nipomo Public Library Community Room. 

Read more about our recent activities and upcoming events below.


SCOTUS to Rule on Regulation of Homeless Encampments
Lady Justice ImageThe Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hold oral arguments on April 22 at 7 a.m. PDT on the enforceability of state, county and local laws that prohibit camping on public property and whether or not those laws violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on “cruel and unusual punishment.” The SCOTUS decision in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson will have an impact on how cities and counties can manage homeless encampments.

Several cities throughout SLO County have recently passed ordinances which regulate how and where people experiencing homelessness can stay overnight on public property. These ordinances, which were adopted to comply with the guidance in Grants Pass v. Johnson, have been controversial and the subject of much public discussion. The court’s ruling in this case could affect how other cities address their own epidemics of homelessness, including those throughout San Luis Obispo County.

Click here to learn more about the issue: what has transpired and what is at stake.

You can watch the SCOTUS oral argument at 7 am PDT on April 22, 2024 here.



Voter Registration Teams Visit a Record Number of High Schools

High School RegistrationThis year, in addition to the annual visits to Nipomo, San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles and Morro Bay High Schools, under the direction of recently appointed committee chair Betsy Gaudette-Cross, the team added visits to Mission Prep, New Tech, Pacific Beach, Coast Union, and the Grizzly Academy. They registered or pre-registered more than 420 students. Seventy of these students were eligible to vote in the March 5th primary and were among the 840 student contacts who received emailed reminders to vote from the League.

Special recognition goes to Ethan Barnes, an Arroyo Grande High School student who reached out to the League for training and then organized visits to classrooms for voter registration at Arroyo Grande High School. He later took the show on the road to both Nipomo and Lopez High Schools. It is so encouraging to see young people taking their participation in democracy seriously and spreading the word to their peers.

Read the entire article here.

League Members Serve Voters on Election Day

More than 40 League members joined the League’s Adopt a Poll efforts and staffed 4 precincts on Election Day March 5. Members worked one precinct in Morro Bay, one precinct in Pismo Beach and two precincts in San Luis Obispo. Many thanks to Patti Dale, Janet George, Shelly Higginbotham and Julie Rodewald for serving as inspectors and to Joanne Schultz for shadowing Shelly at the Pismo Beach precinct so she will be ready to take over the inspector duties in November. Many other League members signed up to serve on their own or with other organizations.

All in all, election day went smoothly. Voters routinely thanked the workers, and while the actual number of people voting at the polls was low, enthusiasm was high as numerous people turned in their vote-by-mail ballots.

2024 Primary Election Workers Photo

League Supports Latina Empowerment Roundtable 

2024 Latina Empowerment RoundtableLWV SLOCO joined in sponsoring the inaugural Latina Empowerment Roundtable event held at Cal Poly PAC Pavilion on March 9, 2024. The SLO County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls hosted the sold out event, whose purpose is to “inspire and empower Latina women to become leaders in their local community.” Women gathered from San Luis Obispo County and throughout the Central Coast to learn about visibility and voice from keynote speaker, State Senator Monique Limon. “Visionaries in Action” including Dawn Addis, Dawn Ortiz-Legg, and Raechelle Bowlay shared their vision for driving change. And attendees heard from local business, non-profit, and educational leaders as they shared their experiences and encouraged Latina women to achieve their full leadership potential. The Roundtable’s entire program facilitated extraordinary energy and engagement. We look forward to continuing our support in the future.

Learn more about the Commission on the Status of Women and Girls at

LWV SLOCO featured on KCBX

KCBX Central Coast Voices The League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County was featured on the KCBX program “Central Coast Voices” on February 29. Host Kris Kington-Barker welcomed Co-President Ann Havlik, Vice-President Ed Cabrera and Voter Service Director Julie Rodewald to discuss the League’s history and purpose and our recent Voter Service and advocacy work.

Ann Havlik shared the primary purpose and key elements of the League while reminding listeners that we are an organization with a long history, including in SLO County where we recently celebrated our 60th anniversary.

Julie Rodewald cited the League’s instrumental involvement in the redistricting issue and also explained the workings of the five subcommittees that make up the Voter Service Committee. These subcommittees are particularly active in an election year like this one.

Ed Cabrera, also the Membership Chair, shared the many reasons the local League’s membership has grown so much in the past few years. He was also asked to give a review of the pros and cons of Proposition 1 on the March 5 ballot.

A recording of the show may be accessed on the show’s home page here.

League Board Holds DEI Workshops 

2024 DEI WorkshopThe League of Women Voters is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our education and advocacy work. In keeping with this commitment, the LWV SLOCO board recently held two equity workshops to enhance our personal understanding of DEI issues and strengthen our team commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

The workshops were aimed at familiarizing the board with the concepts of DEI, assessing the board’s commitment to DEI, and providing strategies for further understanding and implementation of DEI principles. The enduring lesson learned in the workshops is that we can only achieve a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organization with continuous commitment. 

Read the entire article here.

Voter Service Team Addresses Local Clubs

In late February Voter Service Director Julie Rodewald and committee member Ed Cabrera spoke to the Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast at the Oddfellows Hall in San Luis Obispo and to the Five Cities AAUW at the Nipomo Library’s Community Room. The main topic at each event was Proposition One, the only state-wide measure on the ballot. Proposition One proposes a shift in mental health funding and decision-making and the issuing of bonds to build mental health facilities and housing for the homeless.

The League is asked to address service clubs on a regular basis, and especially in election years. If you belong to an organization that would like a League presentation on election issues, or if you would like to join the Voter Service Committee please contact Julie and Ed welcome you to join them in informing voters and sharing the League’s mission with the community.

Read the full article here.


~~~~~ You're Invited! ~~~~~

Join fellow League members for one of our upcoming events. Enjoy an evening at SLO REP celebrating the Constitution or chat with us while sipping your beverage of choice at a Cocktail Hour. Both events are open to members and non-members alike. Details and registration information for each event are below. We hope to see you soon!

Cocktail Hour Invite Image
Virtual Cocktail Hour
Wednesday, March 27 & April 24 at 5 pm
Both League members and non-members are invited to join us for a casual hour of cocktails (or mocktails) and conversation on Zoom. This is a great way to meet other League members, express your thoughts, and ask questions. RSVP to receive reminders or just drop in using the link on the event page here.

Constitution Play 3.28.24 Image
Still a few tickets remaining for
the SLO REP preview performance of
What the Constitution Means to Me 
Thursday, March 28 at 6 p.m.
Social hour at 6 pm, play starts at 7 pm

Open to League members and non-members.

Upcoming Forum: How to Effectively Communicate Your Ideas and be Heard at Public Meetings

Date: Tuesday May 21, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Location: Nipomo Public Library Community Room

Join the Civil Discourse Committee for this in-person forum to learn how to improve your listening and speaking skills. More information to follow soon!


Empty Bowls Fundraiser is Back!

Every Bowl Filled, Every Need Met. Join Us in Supporting El Camino Homeless Organization!

Your participation in this incredible fundraiser makes a meaningful impact on those experiencing homelessness in our local community.

Experience the Heartfelt Touch of Local Artists. Talented creators from across the Central Coast are crafting unique bowls for the event. Selecting your very own custom-made ceramic bowl becomes a cherished memento, a tangible reminder of your contribution to fulfilling the needs of our community.

Echo Empty Bowls 2024

Thursday, April 11, 11 am - 1 pm
The Pavilion on the Lake, Atascadero

Enjoy live music, witness talented artists at work, mingle with friends, savor delicious soups from local restaurants—all while raising funds for a great cause! Celebrity servers will reprise their role to serve you. Take home an artisan ceramic bowl. Space is limited so get your tickets early at $50/person here.


Thursday, April 25, 5 pm - 7 pm
Studios on the Park, Paso Robles
Enjoy an evening filled with live music, delectable soups from local restaurants, artists crafting unique bowls, community bonding, fun, refreshing drinks, scrumptious desserts, and it's all for a great cause – raising funds to support our community in need! Space is limited so get your tickets early at $100/person here.

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League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

The League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to people 16 years and older, of all gender identities. With over 100 years of experience, the League is one of America’s oldest and most trusted civic nonprofit organizations.

Visit our website here


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403