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Date: 8/11/2023
Subject: The Voter: Women's Equality Day + Natural Resources Update + Upcoming Local Events

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
The official newsletter of the League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County.

Vol 65  |  Issue 7  |  Date: August 11, 2023

In this issue:


Update on Formation of an Independent Redistricting Commission
Board of Supervisors Discussion on September 12

In the aftermath of the settlement in the case brought by SLO County Citizens for Good Government and the League of Women’s Voters challenging the validity of the supervisorial district map adopted in December 2021 and the adoption of a replacement map, the SLO County Board of Supervisors is considering the establishment of an Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) for our county.

On September 12 the Board of Supervisors will discuss, in open session, the steps involved in forming such an Independent Redistricting Commission. Several counties, including Santa Barbara, already have IRCs, and a bill is pending in Sacramento (AB 1248) to require counties of 300,000 residents or more to establish an Independent Redistricting Commission.

There are many things to consider when setting up an IRC, including how it should be instituted and what role community input should play in its formation. We’ll know more once the Agenda is set for September 12 and the agenda items are posted on the County's website here

LWV SLOCO encourages you to tune in or attend the meeting. Look for information on this meeting in the September issue of The Voter.


Women’s Equality Day – August 26, 2023
103rd Anniversary of the 19th Amendment

August 26, Women’s Equality Day, marks the anniversary of certification of the 19th Amendment, which granted some women the right to vote in 1920. Notably, women of color were not included. Then, as now, they face additional barriers to representation in our democracy.

LWV Women Power Democracy

As we honor the 19th Amendment we must push for further progress to ensure the right to vote for everyone. Together, we have the power to create a more perfect and inclusive democracy.

  • The fight for women’s equality has always been grounded in the right to vote. When some women have fewer rights and access, we cannot call ourselves equal and we cannot celebrate equality.
  • This August, women are standing together demanding our rights restored, demanding to be heard, and demanding to be seen and treated as equals.
  • Tell lawmakers to support Voting Rights legislation, to add the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, and to restore reproductive rights.
  • Let your representatives know what you want for Women’s Equality Day. Sign the League of Women Voters’ petition at


SLO County Releases Two Major Environmental Documents

Two Major Environmental Documents

The County of San Luis Obispo recently released two major environmental documents. The first is the Draft Environmental Impact Report on the Decommissioning and Closure of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and the second is the Final Environmental Impact Report on the Dana Reserve residential development project in Nipomo.

Decisions on these projects will affect the economic and environmental life of our county for years to come. The League’s Natural Resources Committee has followed these projects for a long time and is reviewing the EIRs carefully in order to make recommendations to the League board as to any actions we think the League might take.

Diablo Canyon Decommissioning

The Diablo Canyon Decommissioning EIR examines the environmental issues involved with the originally planned closure of the plant in 2025 and its subsequent decommissioning. These include:
  • de-construction of parts of the plant that would no longer be needed and the repurposing of the remaining portions of the physical plant
  • ultimate disposal of spent nuclear material, including its safe interim storage on site and ultimate safe transfer to some as-yet undetermined permanent location
  • routing of debris from deconstruction, timing, scale of operations, and impact on local roads
  • residual levels of radioactivity
The disposition of the open space lands is not expected to be a major subject of the draft EIR. The DREAM initiative of some years ago made plain the community’s desire that those lands remain in open space uses. Just how those uses will be realized, however, may be the subject of some debate. And overarching everything, of course, is the possibility that the plant will not shut down but continue in operation for as much as twenty more years.

Dana Reserve

The Final Environmental Impact Report for the Dana Reserve Project is also out for review, and consideration of the EIR of the project is formally underway. The Planning Commission staff report will be issued August 14. The League has expressed concern over certain aspects of the project – in particular the large loss of healthy oak woodland habitat—but is also supportive of the affordable housing components of the project.

Both documents are available on-line at the San Luis Obispo County Planning and Building Department’s website:

Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Draft EIR
Dana Reserve Final EIR

Neil Havlik, Chair
LWV SLOCO Natural Resources Committee


Join the League of Women Voters and Power the Polls for Poll Worker Recruitment Day: August 23, 2023!

Power the Polls LogoSign up to be a poll worker and recruit your friends and neighbors to work the polls in your community.

Poll workers are front line defenders of democracy and voters’ rights. Many places, including SLO County, have experienced a shortage of poll workers in recent years. Our democracy depends on poll workers to ensure our elections are safe, free, and fair for all voters.

Sign up with LWV’s specific link.

When you click this link to the Power the Polls site you’ll be directed to fill out an application with the SLO County Elections Office. If you are a member of the League we encourage you to sign up to work with one of our Adopt a Poll teams. We currently host precincts in San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay. and South County. We hope to expand our efforts in North County in 2024.

Contact Patti Dale at to join the team.

It’s not too early to sign up. The March 5, 2024 Primary Election will be here before we know it.


Diversity Coalition BIPOC Board Leadership TrainingDiversity Coalition is launching its inaugural BIPOC Board Leadership Training program this fall. BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and this training will be a two (2) day training designed by BIPOC professionals and provided by BIPOC instructors. This program will train BIPOC community members in board leadership, creating a pipeline of diverse professional leaders ready to serve on nonprofit boards and government commissions.

Interest forms for individuals and non-profits are currently live. Check out their website for more info:


2023 Opening Meeting Save the Date


ECHO Fundraiser 9.21.23
ECHO Long Walk Home 2023
Saturday, Sept. 23 | 9 am - 12 pm
at ECHO Atascadero
Join the El Camino Homeless Organization in the effort to raise awareness and funds for those facing homelessness in our community and march from ECHO to the Atascadero Rotunda Building and back. Music and lunch will follow at the ECHO campus. 

Tours of the ECHO Atascadero campus will be available.
Find more information and purchase tickets here.

Diversity Coalition San Luis Obispo County
Fostering Understanding in our Community Series
"Importance of Diversity on Maternal Health and Birth Equity"
August 31st at 5:30 pm

2201 Lawton Ave, SLO
Unitarian Universalists Social Room

Joining virtually? Register here to get livestream link (livestream program starts at 6 pm).

Diversity Coalition Event Aug 31 2023
We all have heard about the importance of diversity in a decision making room, but how do those decisions impact our everyday lives and systems?
  • How dangerous can lack of diversity be when it comes to our health?
  • How wide are health disparities nowadays?
  • How are racial biases affecting the way we understand preconception, conception, pregnancy and postpartum?
Qualified speakers will tackle these and similar questions, share data around maternal health and birth equity, and will touch on how recent Supreme Court decisions can widened existing disparities. Register here or attend in person.

Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary

Chumash Heritage National Marine SanctuaryWednesday, Aug 23 | 7 pm on Zoom

Join the Sierra Club's General Meeting on Wednesday, August 23, at 7 pm on Zoom to learn more about the current designation process of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. The final and defining public comment period is fast approaching and your input is needed. Learn about the sanctuary and hear from their speakers about how to make your voice heard. RSVP Here

Read the Washington Post article about The Northern Chumash Tribal Council efforts to protect 7,000 square miles of territory along 156 miles of central California coastline and stretching for miles into the Pacific Ocean: Tribe fights to preserve California coastline — and its own culture.

Diversity Coalition Annual Fundraiser
Give for Good

Thursday, Sept. 21 | 5 pm - 8 pm
at Flying Caballos Ranch, SLO
Diversity Coalition Fundraiser 9/21/23
  • Delicious food and drinks: Indulge your taste buds with amazing food
  • Networking and Connections: Connect with like-minded individuals, community leaders, and passionate advocates for diversity and inclusion
  • Silent auction: Snatch a great deal from the long list of donated high quality items and experiences
  • Inspiring guests and speakers
  • Live music and more!

Purchase Tickets Here

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League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

The League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to people 16 years and older, of all gender identities. With over 100 years of experience, the League is one of America’s oldest and most trusted civic nonprofit organizations.

Visit our website here


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403